Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Manly beach accommodation Sidney Australia

Manly Beach is one of the finest beaches in the Sydney area. It’s considered to be the jewel of the north shore beaches by many people, locals as well as tourists. Manly is located on a narrow peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water, it offers both harbour and ocean beaches. Few cities in the world can boast the pristine waterfronts and paradisiacal climate that Sydney offers.

Manly is a wonderful blend of casual and trendy tastes. It remains the more easygoing of the beaches that line the north coast. Here you will find a mix of young and old roaming the famous pedestrian walk known as ‘the corso.’ This plaza offers shopping and a large variety of places to eat and drink. On weekends and public holidays an outdoor Arts and Craft Market is held in Sydney Road close to the corso. Visitors will find an abundance of hand-crafted items here.

A walk down Manly’s corso brings one to a breath taking ocean view. The beach is a sight one will not soon forget. The white sands, the surf, the huge Norfolk Pines lining the beach are part of what is so distinctive about Manly. There are 18 coves, beaches or inlets to swim in. Surfing is a favorite past time for locals, it is said that some of the best surfing in the area is found here. From the promenade a foot path follows the shoreline from South Steyne to Fairy Bower Beach and the quaint cove of Shelly Beach. This is often called the Millionaire’s Walk, spectacular views of the ocean and the million dollar homes that dot the hills give credence to the title

Manly can be reach by many different forms of transport including the Manly Ferries from Circular Quay. Around the Manly beach area there are plenty of other attractions to keep you busy including Manly Ocean World, North Head and Manly Wharf.

This article from here

Read too manly beach accommodation and manly beach accommodation

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

Perusahaan hot water services

Perusahaan hot water services yang akan saya lihat websitenya adalah visionplumbing.com.au. Sebuah perusahan hot water services yang berpusat di melbourne ini juga mempunyai jasa melbourne plumbers. Jadi kalau mencari jasa plumbers di melbourne bisa menghubungi mereka.

Perusahaan hot water services ini mempunyai website yang cukup lumayan, cuman dari sisi desainnya sih kalau menurut saya kurang menarik saja, harusnya dibuat semenarik mungkin dari sisi desainnya, memang kadang orang Indonesia lebih jago kalau masalah desain website.

Perusahaan ini juga mempunyai usaha lain selain hot water services yaitu blocked drains. Mungkin saja ada yang butuh blocked drains silahkan menghubungi mereka.

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

Kerudung cantik

Saat ini jenis dan produk kerudung sangat banyak dan berbagai merk pun banyak bertebaran di toko-toko, mall dan tempat penjualan lainnya. Seperti halnya contoh kerudung merk shasmira. Kerudung shasmira termasuk pemain yang sudah mempunyai banyak jenis kerudung.

Persaingan diantara pembuat kerudungpun semakin jelas terlihat dipasar, dari mulai promosi dsb. Dan kebanyakan menetapkan sistem agen/distributor. Memang dengan sistem keagenan ini otomatis agen atau distributor akan bekerja untuk meningkatkan penjualan.

Kerudung yang banyak diminati oleh kaum ibu memang kadang bikin ibu-ibu selalu ingin membeli :D mungkin gatel kali yah kalau lihat kerudung cantik :) dan saat ini sudah dibuat untuk kerudung cantik di facebook, mudah2 an jadi tambah pada nge fans sama kerudung cantik.

Senin, 13 April 2009

Pemilihan jasa website design

Bener-bener deh saat ini bingung dalam menentukan perusahaan mana yang akan di jadikan tempat untuk membuat website, atau jasa perusahaan mana untuk membuat website design. Kalau di cari google.co.id sangat banyak sekali yah sehingga kita bingung menentukan website design mana yang cocok untuk kita.

Tapi sebernarnya mungkin kita bisa kategorikan dalam pemilihan jasa website design. Misalnya tergantung bugdet kita atau budget tidak menjadi masalah. Kalau memang budget tidak masalah mungkin kita tinggal cari perusahaan website design yang mempunya portfolio yang bagus menurut kita. Setelah ketemu baru deh contact untuk lebih lanjutnya.

Untuk yang mencari jasa website design yang murah dan bagus kita mesti telaten mencari di mesin pencari atau coba tanya teman atau coba lihat web site orang dan biasanya ada team pembuat website di footer nya.

Saat ini di negera kita banyak sekali usaha website design yang biasanya di gabungkan dengan usaha graphic designer dan logo designer. Karena usaha tersebut sama-sama dalah hal bidang design.

Saran saya sih lihat saja portfolio nya mereka kemudian lihat harganya, kalau cocok contact langsung. Setelah nemu perusahaan website design dan websitenya selesai di buat coba untuk menyewa jasa konsultan seo sehingga website nya bisa berada di halaman pertama google.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Business printing

Saat ini Business printing mengeruk untung besar, karena sebentar lagi mau pemilu sehingga untuk mencetak kertas suara dibutuhkan banyak tempat untuk print kertas suara tersebut agar pada waktu pelaksaan pemilu nanti tidak ada keterlambatan.

Business printing
ini pada saat pemilu seperti ini banyak di butuhkan bahkan kalo dilihat di tv setiap percetakan untuk kertas pemilu bisa bekerja 24 jam dalam sehari, bayangkan saja tuh keuntungan yang didapat.

Memang untuk Business printing ini modal untuk mesin print nya sendiri tidak murah, sehingga butuh modal yang cukup besar untuk memulai di usaha di bidang design ini.

Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Examples of clever advertising design

The advertising industry has been around for quite a long time. However, as it contains the world’s best creative talents, it never gets old. Here are some of the more amazing ads I have found.

Freedom for Animals.

Audi’s “Design to Thrill”.

I like this last one!

Car Wars.

I threw the last set in for fun, and they are probably fake ads. Can any verify?

article from here

Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

How to Secure an Advertiser for Your Blog

How do I sell advertising on my blog? It is a question that I’m asked a lot so when Brandon J. Mendelson asked if he could write a post on this topic as someone who has sold a lot of advertising online and in TV I thought it’d make a great guest post.

Putting together a media kit for your blog is an excellent start; However, unless you know how to navigate the competitive waters of advertising, the media kit will be useless.

What’s Your Story?

Everyone has one. Do you know what it is? Can you describe your blog in under a paragraph? Two sentences? Seven words? If you cannot, you are not ready to sell advertising.

Take a few moments and condense your blog’s description into:

-A paragraph, which you can use in your media kit

-Two sentences, which you will use in your pitch email

-Seven words, which you will use for your pitch’s email headline

Wait, Email? Shouldn’t I Call?

Here you need to figure out what sector of the market you are looking for and what level the company finds itself at (local, regional, or national).The size of the company will determine the method of contact.

First: Think of natural fits between what your blog is about and what product might best serve your audience. Today, it is not about advertising but adding value to your user’s experience. Advertisements are a reflection on you as much as they are on the advertiser, so choose wisely.

Second: How big is the company?

Emailing a local store for advertising is a waste. You need to go in person or make a phone call. Small business owners do not have time to wade through sales emails; They need convincing when it comes to using their limited marketing dollars.

A regional company may be more open to email, but most regionals started small and likely still posses a small business mindset of wanting to meet people first to gauge interest.

A national corporation or international corporation? Don’t bother walking through the front door or making a phone call. Locate the marketing department’s email, which can usually be found by making a subtle, non-sales query to corporate communications, requesting that information.

How Much Information Is Too Much?

You want to use as little information as possible in an initial sales inquiry. This is who you are, this is what you do, this is what you are looking for. Are you interested? Include your contact information and move on to the next pitch.

Volume is key, but automation will kill you since each letter must be personalized. You need to master the ability to effectively communicate with a minimal amount of effort and do it often to increase your odds of making a sale.

The same goes for phone conversations and stopping in person. You need to see if there is interest in what you are selling before proceeding.

In person or on the phone, you want to follow-up on interest by scheduling an appointment at a time that is convenient for the store owner. Call first, stop in second (if the store is local or regional), and email third.

Once you know someone is interested, then you can send your sales kit and other collateral. All of which should be kept brief. The odds are, if a party is interested they have already googled you and visited your website.

Make sure your sales information is available on your website.

Wait, Won’t My Competitors See?

Yes, but if your competitor is any good, they will already know what you are charging. Charge what you think your services are worth, the only time your competitor’s rates matter is when you are first starting out. When starting out, you should see what your competition is charging and offer your services at a discounted rate. This will allow you to break into tight markets and get your name out there.

How Do I Know What To Charge?

Only you can decide how much your time is worth. Do not rely on Google Adsense or other online forms of measurement. Look at what the competition charges, ask yourself what an acceptable rate would be for your time and stick with it. Make sure to stay competitive by using stealth, but legal, methods to find out what your competition is charging.

Think of it like this: There are no rules about sending a sales inquiry to your competitor or calling them to see what their rates are.

When Can I Start?

Advertisers will come to you when you average 30,000 unique visitors a month without much drop off Until then you should factor:

How many subscribers do you have for your RSS feed? How many people follow you on Twitter? What is your Google, not Alexa, page rank? How often do you come up for key search terms for your niche? What your unique web traffic is?

You can go into the market and start charging for a new product at any time, but unless you have some sort of cross media access, it is best to firm up these numbers first.

Contracts And References

It is important to develop strong relationships with smaller advertisers who can vouch for: 1) Your character and 2) Your ability to deliver.

Character is key. If you are not trusted, kiss access to bigger paydays goodbye.

Get everything down on a sheet of paper that explains who gets what, when, and for how much. Deliver on what you promise, and serve as a resource for your advertisers.

By serving as a resource, you build credibility and positive relationships. These relationships are critical when it comes time to chase corporate sponsorship and they ask you to provide references from previous advertisers.

Be prepared to be open as your business’s financial success to larger prospective advertisers. The more money on the line means more scrutiny.


Who uses your website? When do they access it? How long are they on? What else do you know about your users? Marketing and demographic data is the linchpin of your entire sales kit.

Corporations operate using systems such as Six Sigma to track department results in terms of their performance in utilizing resources (re: money).

The demographic and marketing information alleviates any concerns and allows for your advertising pitch to advance because marketing can show their superiors the resources are being allocated according to the corporate mission.

How do you do this? Surveys, soliciting feedback, conducting online focus groups are some examples to help compile this information. Read up on different qualitative and quantitative analysis methods to show that you know how to interpret the information.You do not need a consultant to do this for you.

Even the simplest survey can tell you critical information as long as you know how to analyze it. This may sound daunting, but trust me, you will pick it up fast.


How do you know when to start advertising? When you are confident in your ability to deliver an acceptable amount of business to justify what you are charging.

Test ads on your site before you sell them, ask for reader and user feedback on how to best implement them, see if you can get a high click through ratio or high awareness of imaginary post sponsors first.

Use this information in your demographic data to share with advertisers and show them you can hold up your end of things.

If you are going to put up an advertisement when you say you are, do it. You are now responsible for someone’s money, and if you cannot hold up your end for just one client, you can expect others to find out quickly.

Good luck, tread carefully, and be nice to everyone as you go through this process. It is easy to lose allies and resources than it is to make money.

Brandon J. Mendelson is a graduate student attending UAlbany and a published American humorist. You can follow him on Twitter and help him kick breast cancer’s butt at The Brandon Show


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